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Pre-Visit Module


Improving Patient Revenue Starts Pre-Visit

Incomplete intake forms, missed appointments, time-consuming manual processes, high insurance claim denial rates — does any of that sound familiar?

Your patients may be equally as frustrated with their pre-visit experience — 25% of patients surveyed reported that as their least favorite part of their patient journey.

There’s another way. The Millennia Patient Payment Solution features a Pre-Visit Module that includes all the functionality you need to streamline pre-visit activities with digital processes that improve accuracy, reduce denials, and improve patient revenue.

The Millennia Patient Payment Solution

Our pre-visit features include:

  • Digital patient intake
  • Insurance eligibility verification
  • Payment estimation
  • Digital options for pre-payment and past-due balances
Millennia Patient Payment SOLUTION

Digital Patient Intake Forms

Electronic intake forms simplify the check-in process for patients and help ensure accurate patient information is collected. 

  • Ensure accurate patient health information and maintain the integrity of your patient’s information to improve the early stages of the patient journey
  • Reduce costs associated with printing paper forms
  • Improve patient satisfaction when they can fill out forms online before they arrive in your waiting room
  • Eliminate the burden on you team by eliminating the need to transfer patient information from paper forms into your EHR

Automated Insurance Eligibility Verification

Verifying insurance eligibility is a key part of revenue cycle management. Our automated insurance verification lets you confirm patients’ insurance details before their appointments, helping to avoid potential errors in the billing process. 

  • Reduces the administrative burden of insurance verification 
  • Simplifies and improves claims processing
  • Ensures clean claims and timely, accurate reimbursement
  • Allows for accurate patient estimates that improve patient satisfaction

Precise Payment Estimation

With our accurate payment estimation tool, you can give your patients precise cost estimates so they are more likely to pay their bill before, at, and after their visit. Taking advantage of our estimation tool: 

  • Reduces the need for your staff to navigate payer contracts, discount policies, service coding and other factors that add to the complexity of creating estimates
  • Lessens the chance of human error, leading to better claims submissions and fewer denials
  • Eliminates the need for time spent calling payers by automating the insurance verification process
  • Improves the patient financial experience by providing transparency and clarity about the cost of services
  • Increases the likelihood of receiving pre-payment or point-of-service payments, improving your revenue early in the revenue cycle 

For returning patients, our Past Due Balance feature allows us to pull the patient’s past due balance forward and present it to them prior to their appointment, increasing the likelihood of collection and reduction of bad debt.

Full Functionality for Improving Your Fundamentals

Meet regulatory obligations, convey respect and transform cash flow with our pre-visit tools that help providers:

  • Avoid incomplete patient information
  • Lower the potential of an insurance claim denial
  • Increase chances of receiving upfront payments and those on previous balances
  • Remove stress from front-desk team members

Our Pre-Visit Module helps avoid incomplete patient information, lowers the chance of claim denials, increases the likelihood of receiving upfront and point-of-service payments and reduces the burden on your front desk staff. 


Learn how Millennia can benefit your practice and your patients

Our Pre-Visit Module helps avoid incomplete patient information, lowers the chance of claim denials, increases the likelihood of receiving upfront and point-of-service payments and reduces the burden on your front desk staff. 

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